Sample Summer Swim League Swimming Rules and Regulations


Swimming is an excellent sport in which children can participate. It rewards not only team achievement, but also individual achievement. Individual progress is clearly evident in the times achieved by the swimmer, and is a direct result of the commitment and dedication of the swimmer. Swimming teaches the benefits of hard work, self-discipline and the commitment to goals, important lessons for lifetime success.

Swimming starts for virtually all swimmers with the summer club leagues, such as this league, where the rudiments of the sport are learned and put to use in friendly competition. The age group orientation of the sport helps to insure that competition is fair and that the swimmers have the chance to excel in their own age group. The competition also provides for the camaraderie of a team and the fun of a friendly competition among neighboring communities.

Dual Meets


All swimmers (and their families) must be general members in good standing of the Club they represent. Swim team members, including Club staff (i.e., management, lifeguards, etc.), may not have exclusive swimming membership privileges.

The swimmer's age group, for purposes of competition, shall be determined by his/her age on May 31st.

Swimmers shall generally compete in their own age groups. A swimmer may "swim up" into a higher age group. However, a swimmer may not compete in the same event in two age groups (e.g., the 8 and Under and 9-10 100m free relays) at a particular meet.

Each individual swimmer may enter a maximum of three (3) official (scoring) events, consisting of any combination of individual and relay events. Unofficial second heats do not count in determining the swimmer's three events for purposes of scoring competition.

Line-ups will be prepared by the coaches, and faxed the night before each dual meet to facilitate the running of the meet. The host facility will be responsible for making one copy for the scoring table. Individual meet sheets will be prepared and filled out completely prior to the meet. Scratches and changes to the line-up will be permitted during the conduct of the dual meet, as long as they do not result in any individual swimmer exceeding his/her maximum participation limits. All such scratches and changes must be reported to the scoring table immediately.

The composition of relay teams may be altered up until the start of the particular event; after that no changes may be made to the composition of the relay team.



Each dual meet will include all of the events listed on the attached Order of Events for Dual Meets sheet. The events cannot be changed by mutual agreement of the coaches for a particular dual meet. Changes to the events, the distances or the order of events can only be made with the mutual agreement of all pool managers in the league prior to the beginning of the season.

If neither team has swimmers for a particular event, it will be scratched from that competition. If only one team has entrants, the event will be swum and points will be awarded in accordance with the scoring rules set forth below. (However, the no sweep scoring rule will be in effect.)

Events may be combined where there are insufficient swimmers to fill all lanes. However, an empty lane should be left between male and female competitors, or competitors of different age groups, wherever possible

Additional, unofficial heats may be swum for any event, subject to the time constraints of the meet and the host club. Unofficial heats do not score points. If only one team has unofficial entries, or if one team has less than three unofficial entries and the other team has more entries, then swimmers may be assigned to all lanes of the pool, regardless of the assigned lanes for each team provided for below.

Conduct of the Meet

It takes a large number of volunteers to successfully conduct a swim meet. At a minimum, each team should supply the following volunteers for each dual meet:

  • Three (3) timers, who should be assigned to time the other team's lanes,

  • Three (3) place judges, one each to judge first, second and all remaining places (the latter judge

    should normally be the most experienced),

  • One (1) stroke and turn judge (preferably certified),

  • One (1) scorer and

  • One (1) ribbon writer/distributor.

    The home team should also supply the Referee/Starter (who must be certified), a back-up timer and a runner. The Referee/Starter may serve as one of the stroke judges.


Additional persons to provide for relief and to spread the workload, particularly at the scoring table, are desirable.

Assignments should be made before the day of the meet and the persons so assigned should report to the Referee or the scoring table fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the meet for instructions and assignments.

The visiting team will swim in Lanes 1, 3 and 5, while the home team will swim in Lanes 2, 4 and 6. (However, see note above concerning unofficial heats.)

The home team will provide timing cards or pads to the timers for purposes of recording the times of the participants. White cards or pads should be used for the home team and blue cards for the visiting team. Timers should be instructed to fill out the timing cards completely, including the age group, the event, the heat and the name of the swimmer. Ideally, the home team should also supply place judging cards or pads to the place judges for purposes of recording the order of finish, although these are not essential in a dual meet. Where place-judging cards are not provided, the places should be recorded on the timing cards, after agreement by the place judges.

The runner should pick up the timing cards (and the place judging cards, where used) after each event and deliver them to the scoring table.

Scheduled meets may not be cancelled, postponed or rescheduled except in cases of severe inclement weather, particularly lightening storms. In the event of a postponement due to weather conditions, the meet must be rescheduled during the immediately following week. Meets, particularly evening meets, should not be postponed so early that the weather may change by the previously scheduled starting time. When a meet is to be postponed, the visiting team must be informed promptly.

Results (scores) of all meets should be called in to the league coordinator at the completion of the meet.

Abusive language or behavior by any participant or spectator will not be tolerated by the host Club, and the offender may be asked to leave the Club.

Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the swimming venue (i.e., the pool, marshalling and spectator areas). Offenders may be asked to leave the Club.

Unsportsmanlike conduct by participants or coaches, including taunting, intimidation, harassment, etc., will not be tolerated. Any such conduct observed should be brought to the attention of the Referee and the coach of the offending team. If it is not stopped immediately, the offending team may be subject to forfeiture of the meet. Any such conduct should also be reported to the league coordinator immediately after the meet by the coaches and/or the Referee.

Where possible, all swimmers from both teams should be given light refreshments (normally ice cream or ice pops) at the conclusion of the meet.



All meets will be conducted in accordance with current USA Swimming Rules and Regulations. Recognizing that this is the first exposure to swimming for many of the participants, that they are only learning the strokes and that we are trying to provide a pleasurable experience for the swimmers to encourage them to continue in the sport, the Rules and Regulations should be modified as follows:

  • The Referee/Starter will use oral commands for the start; the whistle starting protocol will not be used.

  • False starts will be recalled. Only a swimmer false starting twice will be disqualified.

  • Where electronic starting equipment is not available and a pistol start is utilized, the start for the

    younger swimmers should be by whistle rather than by the starting pistol.

  • 6 and Under age group swimmers should not be disqualified; stroke infractions should be

    communicated to the coach.

  • 7-8 swimmers should be judged only for egregious stroke violations (e.g., swimming half of the

    breast stroke as free style, and thus clearly gaining an advantage). However, these swimmers

    should be informed of any stroke violations, as should the coach.

  • 9-10 swimmers should be judged for basics of the stroke, and obvious infractions, such as touches,

    consistent stroke or kick violations, etc., should result in a disqualification.

  • Swimmers 11 years old and over should know the strokes and be judged accordingly.

  • Early take-offs on relays should result in a disqualification in all cases for all age groups.

    Coaches should have a copy of the current USA Swimming Rules and Regulations and be familiar with the rules governing the various strokes. A meeting should be held among the coaches, the Referee and the stroke judges before the start of the meet to go over the guidelines for officiating the meet.

    Place Judging and Relay Take-offs

    Decisions as to the order of finish for a particular heat are based on the observations of place judges. Recorded times do not enter into the determination of finishes unless electronic judging and timing equipment is used to determine the finish.

    For individual events, two place judges, one from each Club, should be assigned to determine which swimmer finished first. Likewise, two place judges, one from each Club, should be assigned to determine which swimmer finished second. The remaining two place judges, one from each Club, should determine the order of finish for the rest of the field, and accordingly, they should be the most experienced place judges.

    If the decisions of the judges are split (see examples below), the coaches shall have the option of either declaring a tie, and splitting the points, or having a swim-off. The decision as to declaring ties vs holding swim-offs must be made at the meeting before the start of the meet.

    For relays, the judges assigned to determine first and second place in the individual events should do so for the relays as well. However, as only one relay can score points, the judges assigned to determine the finish for the rest of the filed in the individual events should instead be used to determine relay take-offs.


In observing relay take-offs, the judges should watch the toes (or the hand for in-water starts) of the departing swimmer. When the toes or hand lose contact with the starting block or the end of the pool, the judge should then look to determine that the incoming swimmer has touched the wall. A disqualification for an early take-off requires the dual confirmation of both judges or of the referee and one judge.

If both first place judges agree as to the first place finisher, that person is awarded first place. If the first place judges disagree, then they must confer with the second place judges. If the second place judges agree on the second place finisher, and he/she is one of the swimmers for whom first place is in question, that person is awarded second place and the other person is awarded first place. (For example, if one first place judge sees Lane 4 finish first, while the other judge sees Lane 3 finish first, and both second place judges see Lane 4 finish second, then Lane 3 is awarded first place.) If both first place and both second place judges disagree, with one first place and one second place judge seeing the order of finish one way and the other two judges seeing it the other way, then a tie is declared or a swim-off is held, depending on the agreement between the coaches before the meet. (For example, one first place judge sees Lane 4 finish first, while the other sees Lane 3 finish first, and one second place judge sees Lane 4 finish second, while the other sees Lane 3 finish second.)

In the case of discrepancies between the second and third place finishers, the same process should be used. If as a result of a disqualification, a first or second place finisher is removed and there is a discrepancy as to the fourth place finisher, who will now score points, the same decision as to declaring a tie or having a swim-off will prevail.


Points will be awarded for individual events as follows:

  • First Place

  • Second Place

  • Third Place

5 points 3 points 1 point

For relays, the winning relay team will be awarded 7 points.

For individual events, the "no sweep" rule will apply; i.e., no team can receive points for all three places, even if the other team had no swimmers in the event. If the other team had no swimmers in an event, then the team with swimmers will receive 8 points (for a first and a second place finish), and the other team will not receive any points. If both teams have competitors and one team sweeps the first three places, they will receive 8 points (for a first and a second place finish) and the other team will receive 1 point, provided one of their swimmers completed the race and was not disqualified. (Note that ribbons will be given to the correct finishers, notwithstanding the scoring convention being used.)

Ribbons should be given for the first three places in individual events and for first place in relay events (four ribbons, one for each swimmer). The pool managers should determine before the beginning of the season if ribbons will be given to swimmers in unofficial heats. (This is recommended if at all possible, in order to encourage those swimmers.)



In accordance with NJ Bathing Code regulations, in order to start events off starting blocks, the depth of the pool at the start end should be 5 feet or more. If the depth is less than 5 feet, then swimmers will have to start from the deck or in the water, depending on the water depth. In 100m relays, if the water depth at the turn end of the pool is less than 5 feet, the swimmers must start in the water with one hand in contact with the pool wall until the incoming swimmer touches the wall.

Starting blocks, when used, must be firmly anchored and be no more than 30 inches above the surface of the water, where the depth of the water at the start end of the pool is 5 feet or more.

Backstroke flags must be provided and they must be placed 5 meters from the start and turn ends of the pool (5 yards in yards pools). Failure to provide backstroke flags will result in the event not being swum, but points awarded to the visiting team for any events in which they have backstrokers entered (subject to the "no sweep" rule discussed above).

A rope or other device must be provided at the 15-meter mark to allow for judging of the 6 and Under 15 meter events.

A recall rope, at least 15 meters from the start end of the pool is desirable.

League Championship Meets

League Championship meets should be rotated among the various clubs in the league. The conduct of the meet should be governed by the rules and regulations for dual meets set forth above, with the additions and adjustments noted herein.


A swimmer must have participated in official (scoring) events in at least two league meets in order to be eligible to participate in the Championship meet.

Each individual swimmer may participate in a maximum of three events, consisting of any combination of individual and relay events.

Only one swimmer from each club may be entered in each individual event.

Only one relay team from each club may be entered in each relay event.

Swimming up will be permitted, subject to the rules governing the maximum numbers of events for each swimmer and the prohibition against swimming in any event in more than one age group.

Lineups will be required at a designated time prior to the meet. There will be a scratch meeting prior to the start of the meet at which changes can be made to the line-up. After that, no further changes will be


permitted. Also, changes can only be made among swimmers previously entered on the line-up. New swimmers cannot be entered in the Championship meet at the scratch meeting.


Additional scoring and non-scoring events may be added to the Championship meet based on the agreement of the pool managers prior to the start of the season. The events to be swum are listed on the attached Order of Events for Championship Meet sheet.

Conduct of the Meet

The championship meet will be coordinated by the Host Club, rather than the host club, and will require more volunteers than a normal dual meet. Each club will be expected to supply the following minimum number of volunteers:

  • Three (3) timers, who will be assigned to specific lanes at the meet (the additional timers are needed to establish new records),

  • One (1) across-the-board place judge,

  • One (1) scorer,

  • One (1) ribbon writer,

  • At least one (1) certified official and

  • Other volunteers, as needed, to serve as marshals, runners, back-up timers, etc.

    Additional volunteers for relief of the above volunteers would be desirable so they don't have to work the entire meet.

    The League Coordinator will provide each club with a detailed list of volunteers needed before the meet.

    Color coded cards will be provided to the timers to record the times for the individual swimmers and relay teams. The official time will be determined in accordance with USA Swimming Rules and Regulations: i.e., if two of the three watch times agree, that is the official time; if the three watches do not agree, then the time of the middle watch is the official time; if times are only obtained from two watches, the average of the two watch times is the official time.

    The officiating for the meet will be coordinated by the League Coordinator, in conjunction with the senior officials in the league. The meet will be conducted under the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, as modified above. Judging will be stricter than in the dual meets, given the level of competition. All officials must be certified by either USA Swimming or the YMCA of the USA and must be familiar with the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.

    The across-the-board place judges will determine the order of finish for each event. If two of the three judges agree on the order of finish, that will be the official order of finish. If all three judges disagree on the order of finish, the official order of finish will be determined by integrating the times with the places determined by the place judges, using the modified ballot system. Where there is agreement among the


place judges as to the order of finish, that will be the official order of finish, notwithstanding the times determined using the procedures outlined above.

Scoring and Awards

The scoring for the Championship meet, based on a Six-team league, will be as follows:

  • First Place

  • Second Place

  • Third Place

  • Fourth Place

  • Fifth Place

  • Sixth Place

Individual Events

6 points 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 point 1 point


12 points 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points

Medals will be awarded for all five places in the individual events and the top three relay teams. Ribbons will be given to the 4th and 5th place relay teams. Team trophies will be given to the top three scoring teams in the meet.


Suggested Summer Swim League Order of Events for Dual Meets


1 12 & Under Women's 100m IM 3 13-17 Women's 200m IM

5* 6 & Under Women's 15m Freestyle 7 7-8 Women's 25m Freestyle
9 9-10 Women's 25m Freestyle

11 11-12 Women's 50m Freestyle 13 13-14 Women's 50m Freestyle 15 15-17 Women's 50m Freestyle

17* 6 & Under Women's 15m Backstroke 19 7-8 Women's 25m Backstroke
21 9-10 Women's 25m Backstroke
23 11-12 Women's 50m Backstroke

25 13-14 Women's 50m Backstroke 27 15-17 Women's 50m Backstroke

29* 6 & Under Women's 15m Breaststroke 31 7-8 Women's 25m Breaststroke
33 9-10 Women's 25m Breaststroke
35 11-12 Women's 50m Breaststroke

37 13-14 Women's 50m Breaststroke 39 15-17 Women's 50m Breaststroke

41 7-8 Women's 25m Butterfly 43 9-10 Women's 25m Butterfly 45 11-12 Women's 50m Butterfly 47 13-14 Women's 50m Butterfly 49 15-17 Women's 50m Butterfly

  1. 51  8 & Under Mixed 100m Free Relay**

  2. 52  9-10 Women's 100m Free Relay

54 11-12 Women's 200m Free Relay 56 13-14 Women's 200m Free Relay

58 15-17 Women's 200m Free Relay


2 12 & Under Men's 100m IM 4 13-17 Men's 200m IM

6* 6 & Under Men's 15m Freestyle

8 7-8 Men's 25m Freestyle 10 9-10 Men's 25m Freestyle 12 11-12 Men's 50m Freestyle 14 13-14 Men's 50m Freestyle 16 15-17 Men's 50m Freestyle

18* 6 & Under Men's 15m Backstroke 20 7-8 Men's 25m Backstroke
22 9-10 Men's 25m Backstroke
24 11-12 Men's 50m Backstroke

26 13-14 Men's 50m Backstroke 28 15-17 Men's 50m Backstroke

30* 6 & Under Men's 15m Breaststroke 32 7-8 Men's 25m Breaststroke
34 9-10 Men's 25m Breaststroke
36 11-12 Men's 50m Breaststroke

38 13-14 Men's 50m Breaststroke 40 15-17 Men's 50m Breaststroke

42 7-8 Men's 25m Butterfly 44 9-10 Men's 25m Butterfly 46 11-12 Men's 50m Butterfly 48 13-14 Men's 50m Butterfly 50 15-17 Men's 50m Butterfly

53 9-10 Men's 100m Free Relay 55 11-12 Men's 200m Free Relay 57 13-14 Men's 200m Free Relay 59 15-17 Men's 200m Free Relay


* Non-scoring event.
** Any combination of boys and girls, except four boys or four girls.